Some history on Newcastle-under-Lyme in the county of Staffordshire


Newcastle-under-Lyme Pubs

Photographs of Newcastle-under-Lyme

Newcastle-under-Lyme : Town Hall [c.1910]
© Image from author's photographic archive. DO NOT COPY

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Contemporary Photographs

Newcastle-under-Lyme : Saint Gile's Church [August 2005]
© Photo taken by author on August 4th, 2005. DO NOT COPY

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Related Newspaper Articles

"The annual report of the Chief Constable of Newcastle [Mr. George Ingram] for the year 1904 is just issued. It states that the number of crimes committed during the year was 108, being a decrease of 14, and in connection with these crimes 88 persons were apprehended, and 11 were summoned, of whom 81 were males, and 18 females, an increase of 23 persons apprehended, and 8 summoned. Of the retries committed, 81 were for simple and minor larcenies, 1 larceny in house to the value of £5, I larceny of horses, 1 receiving goods, 2 embezzlement, 4 obtaining goods by false pretences. 1 indecent assault on a female, 5 housebreaking, 1 breaking into shop, 1 forgery, and 4 attempted suicide. Although there has been an increase of 7 in the number of persons committed for trial, there has been a decrease of 13 in the number of offences against property with violence reported to the police. i.e., cases of house-breaking, shop-breaking, and other offences, which cannot be dealt with summarily. There has been an increase of 31 persons arrested and summoned in connection with offences against property without violence, i.e., cases of simple and minor embezzlement, obtaining goods by false pretences, etc., while the number of offences reported to the police show a decrease of 1. The number of cases of larceny committed as stated above, is inclusive of 17 cases where the property stolen was of less value than 5s., and no person arrested or proceeded against. Six hundred and ninety-seven persons, being a decrease of 48, were proceeded against for non-indictable offences, of whom 550 were males and 147 females. Drunkenness : There has been an increase of 35 persons proceeded against for drunkenness during the, the total being 231. viz.:- 189 males and 42 females, of whom 219 were convicted and 12 discharged. Of the total number of persons proceeded against, 220 were charged with drunkenness and drunk and disorderly conduct; 5 for being drunk while in charge of horses; 3 for being drunk while in charge of children; 2 for being drunk and refusing to quit licensed premises; and 1 for being drunk and recklessly riding a bicycle. One hundred and twenty-eight of them were residents of the borough, and 103 were non-residents. One hundred and fifty stated they were born in England, 31 in Ireland. Forty-four were drunk on Sunday, 35 on Monday, 20 on Tuesday, 15 on Wednesday, 11 on Thursday, 24 on Friday, and 82 on Saturday. Public-Houses : There are within the borough 65 public-houses, 46 beer houses with off licenses. There were six licence holders prosecuted during the year, being the same number as last year. Two licensed victuallers and four beer house-keepers; and convictions were recorded against two licensed victuallers and two beer house-keepers. One of the licensed victuallers shown as having been proceeded against appealed to the Borough Quarter Sessions on the 13th of October, 1904, against the decision of the justices, who on the 26th day of July fined him £5 and costs for permitting drunkenness. The Recorder upheld the decision of the decision of the justices in convicting, but reduced the fine to one of £2 and costs. During the year the police have made 642 visits to licensed premises, and I am pleased to say that [with one or two exceptions] the licensed houses have been very well conducted."
"Newcastle Police Statistics"
Newcastle Guardian and Silverdale,
Chesterton and Audley Chronicle : March 11th 1905 Page 6

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