Some history of the Bull's Head on Camp Hill at Bordesley in Birmingham in the County of Warwickshire
© Crown Copyright. Reproduced with kind permission of the National Library of Scotland under the Creative Commons Attribution licence.
© Image from author's photographic archive. DO NOT COPY
© Image from author's photographic archive. DO NOT COPY
Licensees of the Bull's Head
1801 - George Crowder
1802 - John Mace
1812 - Thomas Yates
1825 - Charles Murray
1826 - John Hanley
1828 - John Hinks
1845 - John Hall
1860 - C. Larke
1868 - Charles Willetts
1892 - Albert Edward Harvey
Note : this is not a complete list of licensees for this pub. The dates of early licensees are sourced from trade directories, census
data, electoral rolls, rate books and newspaper articles. Names taken from trade directories may be slightly inaccurate as there is some slippage from publication dates
and the actual movement of people.